How to Register Business Name with DTI

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Here in the Philippines, having a business means going through processes that will forcefully make you a hard worker and that starts in registering your business with the Barangay or Municipality Hall for your permit and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for your business name. If you are forming a single proprietorship business, it is essential that you get a certification from the DTI but if you are forming a partnership or a corporation, you need to get that from the Security of Exchange and Commission (SEC). Enough of that; how do you register a trade name with DTI?

Of course, if you are to register a trade name, you need to know what names are to be accepted and those names that aren’t.

Guideline for names that are not accepted:

  • Illegal, offensive, scandalous, or opposite from the propriety.
  • Names that would be identical to an existing business names that are also registered with DTI.
  • Abbreviation of names of any nation, inter-governmental, or international organization.
  • Misleading names or names that would misrepresent the nature of the business.

Names that are to be accepted are:

  • Punctuations that are part of the English or the Tagalog language.
  • Comprised of letters only or numerals.
  • Names that describe the nature of the business.
  • Root word/s of the name shall and will be considered.

What are the requirements needed t0 register a business name with DTI?

  • A Filipino Citizen
  • At least eighteen (18) years old on the date of the registration
  • Two (2) valid IDs (photocopy and original)
  • Filipinos with name suggestive of alien nationality must submit any of the following: (Birth CertificateVoter’s ID, PRC ID, Valid Passport)

Certain types of businesses may ask you for additional requirements other than what the DTI requires you. So be sure to duly go over everything if you plan on putting up your own business.

Read: 8 business Ideas for stay-at-home people

So the big question is still unanswered; how do you register your business name in DTI?

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is to get a copy of the application form (duplicate copy) and duly accomplish it.

Step 2: Make sure to have all of the requirements with you when you submit your application form in order for you to avoid going back and forth to the office. Submit the application form to the processing office/window in DTI. If approved, then proceed to the next step and if not, change and think of another name first.

Step 3: Pay the required processing and registration fees:

  • Barangay – Php200. 00
  • City/Municipality – Php500. 00
  • Regional – Php1, 000.00
  • National – Php2, 000.00

Step 4: Show the receipt to the staff in charge of the processing and the certificate of the business name will now be released.

Step 5: The certificate bearing your business name is and will be valid for five (5) years so be sure to renew it after the said date.

Of course, what you offer will never be known to the eyes and ears of customers if you can’t provide a name and a title to them. So what you need to do first is to register a legal name for your business. Who knows, maybe your business name will be the next giant in the coming years.

Read Also: Essential permits and licenses for Business

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