How to Compute SSS Monthly Pension


Ever think about the amount you will get from SSS after you retire? Well firsthand, you need to know that in order for you to have this benefit, contribution amount and time are the variables in order for you to weigh if you will have pension or not. So in this article, we will be telling you all about the monthly pension and how you can compute for it.

Before going on deeper with the calculation, we first need to know the types of people who are eligible for the monthly pension:

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  • A member who is 65 years old whether employed or not and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions before the semester of the retirement.
  • A member who is 60 years old separated from employment or ceased to be self-employed and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement.

Of course, there are steps you need to follow prior to you computing how much you can get for the monthly pension once you decide to retire.

Step 1:

First of all, you need to know how much contributions you are putting monthly into your SSS profile. You can do this by asking your Human Resources Team (HR) if you are employed, or you can call SSS directly and ask for your contributions via a representative. Alternatively, you can search for it online if you have registered for the online viewing of your transactions.

I will be posting the table of contributions below and here are things you need to remember:

  • In the left most part where you can see Range of Compensation, that is where you should look to see where your salary falls.
  • In the 2nd column, you will see the Average Monthly Salary Credit (AMSC) and this is where to look if you are to compute for your pension so you need to take special note of this.
  • ER is Employer’s Contribution
  • EE is Employee’s Contribution
  • ER and EE combined is the total contribution you will make for SSS (if you are employed).

This is the updated SSS contribution table:

SSS Contribution Table
SSS Contribution Table from SSS Website

Step 2:

Once you know how much you put, it is now time to compute for the maximum pension you can receive once you retire.

For example you are receiving P16, 000.00 monthly for your salary. If you will look at the SSS monthly contribution table above, your employer’s contribution (ER) will be P1, 208.70 and your contribution (EE) will be P581.30 for a total of P1, 760.00 for a month.

Formula 1:

Sum of P300 + 20% of the (AMSC) + 2% of (AMSC) for each credited year of service in excess of 10 years.

So in this case, if we are to follow the values above:

Monthly Pension = P300 + (20% of AMSC first 10 years) + (2% of AMSC (2 years))
Monthly Pension = P300 + (20% x 16, 000) + (2% x 16, 000 x 2)
Monthly Pension = P300 + 3, 200 + 640
Monthly Pension = P4, 140.00

Formula 2:

P1, 000.00 if credited years of service is less than 10 years; P1, 200.00 if credited years of service is at least 10 years or P2, 400.00 with credited years of service is 20 years or more.

Formula 3:

Forty percent (40%) of the AMSC
Monthly Pension = 40% of AMSC
Monthly Pension = 40% x 16, 000
Monthly Pension = P6, 400.00

Comparing all of the formulas, it is clear that you get the highest amount with the 3rd formula, correct? Well with that being said, in order to have the 3rd formula to be the formula for your monthly pension, these are the points you need to remember:

  • 12-year contributors are the only ones who are to have those kinds of formulas
  • If you earn less than P16, 000.00 a month, do not worry because computation will stay the same unless they raise AMSC in the following years
  • If self-employed, it would be better to contribute for the maximum (P1, 760.00) in order to get the best benefits
  • You cannot be granted monthly pension if you have not given at least 10 years contribution or 120 months total contribution
  • If less than the said amount, you will receive lump sum benefit not pension

So now you know how to compute for the monthly pension, it is just right to continue your contribution to yield a bigger pension. What you need to do now is to continue working and continue contributing and it can promise you a big yield in the future when you are too old to work.

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1 thought on “How to Compute SSS Monthly Pension”

  1. Sir, what AMSC will be used for the computation of sss pension? Will it be the current AMSC or the average of the last 5 years of AMSC? In my case, my last 5 years includes AMSC of 16,000 for 2017 to 2019, 20,000 for 2019 to 2021 and 25,000 for current.


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