In the current busy and hectic schedule of day to day life, one can’t simply keep track of all the finance and budget carefully. Many a times the old methods help people to manage finance easily. However if an app is present that can manage finance then it will be a great gift and bliss for the users. Since android apps are very handy and efficient it is really a great help to have an app that will manage your finances without being heavy on your pockets. There are lots of apps that will satisfy this purpose but for efficiency the users should be careful in picking the right app.
These are the top few finance management apps that are popular and efficient;
Moneywise has a very old interface and it is kind of very well known and little old app but that shouldn’t look like a disadvantage since the way the other features work are really great and awesome. This app is absolutely helpful in aiding you to understand your own financial standings. Apparently, this will keep track of all your financials very clearly and precisely. Some of the top features that are worth mentioning are; Graph section: This allows the users to highlight single set of data against another. This can be paired with MoneyWise Tags features: which will help users to tag by selecting the records that need to be compared. If you are one of the users who are in need of a serious app then MoneyWise is the one you need to use.
If you are the kind of user who wants to keep the transactions easy, via shortcuts then Financisto ‘New Transaction’ is the widget for you. This is very easy and all you need to do is a tap from your home screen that will show the users a table to fill in the details of current transaction. This option is known as the ‘New Transfer’. This will let you transfer your money from one account to another. This is really very convenient for accounting related purposes.
Yet another feature that should definitely be mentioned is the ‘Blotter’. This will record each and every transaction and even users’ accounts all under a single page.
This is another excellent and useful app for managing the finance. EasyMoney is a really pretty app, thanks to the rich user interface. It also comes with an inbuilt custom keyboard that will be easier for the users to type the numbers for all their transactions. With this app notifications can be set for all the upcoming bills and overdue ones. Additionally you can even color-code all your financial details thus this will help you better to surf through your budget needs.
This is a unique app thanks to the speech recognition feature that can be used to dictate text enhanced with the help of a correction window. What’s more you get this all within a simple page. In a single page you can track Expenses, Income, Manage Data, and get Report. Saving transactions is easy and you can proceed to record another transaction without much ado.
Expensify is one more interesting and handy app which will keep a neat tab on your cash expenses. The credit card spendings as well as the bank accounts are also stored as input data. There is a SmartScan feature which allows you to easily scan all your bill receipts thus your expenses will be automatically adjusted. What’s more users can also email all their bills to the app. The app will sync all of them and once all of these are completely synced together, the app will create a clear expense sheet for the user.
These are some of the well known, popular, and must have finance management app that should be definitely used by all the people who find it hard to manage their finance.