How to Apply for a Police Clearance in the Philippines – Requirements and Procedure

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In this article you will learn the procedure and all the requirements for getting Police Clearance in the Philippines.The police clearance is an important public document that serves many purposes. For example, prospective employers may require it as you apply for a job position. When securing a passport or a government issued-ID, police clearance is often part of the requirements as well.

Having a police clearance declares that you have a clean record and are free from any criminal charges. Of course, it can also be used for identification purposes. In case you do not have an ID (or if you need more than one), this document can be useful for you.

Read also: How to Apply for NBI Clearance

So how does one apply for a police clearance? Read on and I’ll share a step-by-step guide for you to obtain one.

Requirements in getting Police Clearance in the Philippines

First off, you need to have the following:

  • Sedula (Community Tax Certificate) – Get one from the municipal office. Sedulas are usually valid for one year so be sure that you have a recent one.
  • Barangay Clearance – Get one from your local barangay hall. Usually, you will need to have a sedula when asking for a barangay clearance.
  • Two pieces of 2X2 picture – Some require this while others will just take a photo of you as you apply. To be sure, just prepare your picture ahead of time.
  • 5×8 index card – Usually the PNP station may provide a card but as with the picture, bring one if you want to avoid unnecessary hassle.
  • Application form – The station will give you this.
  • Cash – You will be asked to pay a fee of around P100.00 to P250.00, depending on your intended purpose, so prepare some cash in hand as well.

Procedure in getting Police Clearance

1. Visit the Duty Desk Officer at the nearby PNP station and tell them you want to apply for a police clearance.

2. Fill out the request form with all the needed information.

3. After completing the form, get a payment request form for the police clearance fee and proceed to the treasurer’s office to pay it.

4. Give the receipt to the Clearance Police Non-Commissioned Officer (PNCO).

5. Photocopy all the documents (sedula and barangay clearance) and don’t submit the original copies since you may need them in the near future for other purposes (such as when you apply for a Postal ID or a permit for starting a small business).

6. Return to the station and undergo a fingerprinting process.

7. Pay for the police clearance ID to receive a police clearance ID.

8. Proceed to the encoding area to have all your personal information verified.

9. Wait for your police clearance at the holding area.

In some areas, police clearance certificates can be obtained from the local Municipal Office, not the PNP station. You can ask friends who have applied for a police clearance in the past so you can get an idea. For the most part though, the process above is all you will need to do to obtain the document.

You will be able to apply for work or successfully get a passport if you have a clear record from the police department. This will attest that you are a law-abiding citizen and that can be a good thing as you try to qualify for a job position or make preparations for traveling to a different country, whether for employment, education, or vacation purposes.

Read Also: How to get new Postal ID

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