One reason why you need to convert your PayPal funds from USD to Php is when you want to transfer the funds to your GCash account. You cannot transfer the funds if it is in dollars or any denominations. GCash only accepts Philippine peso, don’t worry it’s easy to convert.
Please note that there’s a small amount of conversion fee that PayPal deducted from the amount you converted. Also, convert the PayPal funds from USD to Php if the rate is higher to maximize your money.
How to convert PayPal Fund to Philippine Peso (PayPal USD to Php)
You can use your mobile or laptop/pc to convert PayPal USD to PHP. On mobile, you can use their mobile app or browser. In this tutorial, the screenshots are from the desktop chrome browser, the process is the same. Follow the steps.
1. Login to your PayPal account.
2. On the menu select Wallet. If you are using a mobile tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines located at the top-left of the screen) to open and see the wallet.
3. Inside your wallet you will see all your funds, different currencies if you have, but since we are converting the USD, click the three vertical dots beside the amount, then select “Convert Currency” in the popup menu that appears. See the screenshot.
4. Select Philippine Peso then click next to continue.
5. Enter the amount in USD that you want to convert. You can also see how much the current conversion rate is. Click next to continue.
6. Review the amount that you are converting, you will see the exact amount that you will get, this also includes the PayPal conversion fees. Click or tap Convert Now to continue.
7. Congratulations! You converted your PayPal fund from USD to PHP, double-check and click Done
Now that you converted your PayPal funds from USD to PHP, you can now transfer the funds to your GCash account, if you don’t know how, we have you covered, you can check our previous article on how to withdraw or Transfer PayPal funds to GCash.
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- How to Pay SSS Contribution Online using GCash
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