
[Video] Watch iPhone 6 Boots Up for the First Time

While everyone is waiting for Apple’s announcement for iPhone 6 this coming September. Still no one has gotten their hands on this phone yet, but Feld & Volk a luxury retailer manage to assemble together loose components to put one together.

In the video they upload on YouTube yesterday, you can see a 4.7 inch iPhone 6 boots up for the first time. Feld & Volk managed to boot the new assembled, iPhone 6 up-to connect to iTunes screen that appears when iOS device is activated.iPhone 6 boots up

At the end of 1 minute and 10 seconds video, you can see the iPhone 6 sitting next to iPhone 5 to see the difference in size.

Watch the whole video uploaded by Feld & Volk and share what you think in the comments section below.

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