
Most Common Abbreviations and its meaning

In today’s generation, it is not peculiar for one to utilize abbreviations or “shortcuts” to the most common terms that surround our modern-day society. Most of these are technical terms and are directed only for the use of technology but some are just plain old abbreviations. In this article, we are going to make you aware of such things so that you are not left behind or you would not be stuck wondering what those certain abbreviations mean – yes in this article, you are going to be aware of the abbreviations and how they are and should be used.

CAPTCHA – Completely Automated Public Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

A captcha is a program or system that is made to distinguish human from machine. This is the combination of characters you type in order to prove that you aren’t a robot.

IP – Internet Protocol

An IP is the unique value inside a network that separates your connection/device from all other devices globally.

ISP – Internet Service Provider

Obviously, your ISP is the one that provides you your internet connection. They are the ones responsible for either positive or negative aspects that your connection has.

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. It is compositionally structured text that uses links between nodes containing text.

DVD – Digital Video Disk

A kind of compact disk that can store large amounts of data. It is most often used to store media like photos and videos.

WWW – World Wide Web

You may think that this is the internet but not just that. The www is the space where documents and multimedia files are identified by URLs interconnected by hyperlinks. What we can access now is just less than 10% of the totality of what the world wide web is. The internet is what we use in order to access this and the www was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

It is basically the system, the standardized and uniform system used for tagging files to achieve specificity e.g font, font size, graphics, etc. in WWW pages.

CCTV – Closed Circuit Television

The CCTV is the device used to monitor areas/locations wherein signals are not publicly distributed but is monitored. CCTVs are most often used for security and allocation.

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

This is one of the few file formats for images that supports animated and static images. Most commonly, GIF images are most commonly referred to as “moving images.”

Read: How to convert any YouTube video to GIF

HDMI – High-Definition Multimedia Interface

A standard for connecting high-definition video devices. It is the connection that you use in order for you to project what you have on one device to another.

CC/BCC – Carbon Copy/ Blind Carbon Copy

CC and BCC are used in email where you include a person in the recipients list. Carbon Copy is the feature where the recipients are visible while the “blind” carbon copy is the feature where it is not.

SMS – Short Message Service

SMS a.k.a “text message” is a service that lets send message of up to 160 characters to another person on another device.

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

This is the separator or the uniqueness of addresses in the World Wide Web. The URLs play a significant role in balancing the web.

GPS – Global Positioning System

GPS is a network of orbiting satellites that send precise and accurate details of their position in space back to us (earth). Signals that the GPS get are then calculated for us to know the precise position of a device that gets that signal.

CPU – Central Processing Unit

Most commonly referred to as the “brain” of the computer. This is the part of the computer where everything gets processed; without it, the computer would be nothing but junk.

LTE – Long Term Evolution

LTE is one of the newest technologies handed to us where it uses 4G mobile connection and communications as a standard. Having this said, the reception and the speed are in a different level than those that just use the regular 3G.

LAN – Local Area Network

A local area network is a group of computers and associated devices that share common communications or links to a server. Usually, it encompasses computers and peripheral connections to a server within a distinct geographic area like an establishment or simply, a home.

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LCD is the technology used for display in newer and later devices such as other computers and notebooks. Light-emitting diode (LED) and plasma technologies allow displays to be better in projection to the naked human eye.

Read: Difference of Plasma, LCD and LED Screen

These are the most common terminologies and abbreviations that you hear and see everyday. Now that you are aware of what they truly are, you can use them and add them to your vocabulary.

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