Web Hosting is very important in an online business or websites. Choosing a reliable web host is time consuming, especially if you’re a newbie. To make it easy for you and minimize your hunting for a good web host I personally recommend HostGator to serve your website or blog.
HostGator is a leading web host provider with more than 9 million websites hosted on HostGator you can’t be wrong. To make it easy for you, I will teach you how to login or sign up for HostGator account.
Hostgator Login: How to Sign Up for HostGator Account
1. Go to HostGator login page and click on “Get Started” button to reveal the 3 HostGator shared hosting plans (Hatchling, Baby and Business).
2. Choose “Baby Plan” the most popular shared hosting plan in HostGator. In this plan you can have unlimited domain, disk space and bandwidth for only $7.96 monthly. Click “Order Now” button if you finished choosing how you pay.
3. You will redirected to a HostGator Order Wizard page, you will going to fill out everything on this page. First, enter your desired domain, If it is available your good to go. Scroll down for more.
4. Confirm your hosting package order and enter your username and security pin in the space provided, and keep it in safe place.
5. Next, your billing and payment information, fill out everything and I recommend to choose PayPal as a payment option. It’s safe and convenient.
6. Uncheck all the add-ons, but if you have extra budget, you can add those add-ons but it’s optional.
7. Next, enter “EFRENNOLASCO” coupon code to avail a 20% discount. Read and accept the terms and conditions by checking the checkbox. Review everything, then click “Create Account” button.
8. You will now redirected to PayPal payment page or successful order page depending on the payment option you choose. Also, you will receive an email for your hosting details that you will use to access HostGator cPanel, including the nameservers.
That’s it, hope it helps if you have questions just leave it in the comment section below.
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