Enye Ññ is the letter of the modern Latin alphabet and it is formed by an N with a tilde on top. It is also used in the Spanish alphabet, Filipino alphabet, Austrian Alphabet, and many more.
While most of the computers now use an English keyboard like on Macintosh, you cannot see the Ñ key on the keyboard. To type enye Ñ on your Mac, simply follow this simple step.
How to type enye (Ññ) on Mac
On your keyboard, press and hold option then press “n” (option + n) tilde will be created, then press “n” or Shift + n (for big Ñ) again without holding the option key.
option + n, n = ñ
option + n, shift + n = Ñ
You can also use this method to Ãã or Õõ, by pressing option + n and typing the letter that you want to create.
option + n, o = õ
option + n, shift + o = Õ
option + n, a = ã
option + n, shift + a = Ã
How to type enye (Ññ) on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini)
Typing enye on iOS is simple, just press and hold the letter “n” to reveal ñ, see the screenshot.
To type large Ñ, press the shift button first before pressing and holding the letter “N”. Just like on the screenshot.
How to type enye (Ññ) on Windows
To create small enye ñ on Windows, just hold down the Alt key while typing 164 or 0241. And to type big enye Ñ, hold down the Alt key while typing 165 or 0209. Check the combination below.
Alt + 164 / Alt + 0241 = ñ
Alt + 165 / Alt + 0209 = Ñ
Now that you already know how to type small and big enye, you can now type correctly the word that needs this letter, especially some names and places that need to be in the correct spelling.