
How to pass a Call Center Interview

Job interviews can give us a little heap of fear and a little bit of excitement as well.  This is the point wherein people from the company will determine if we deserve to be part of their team.  Many people make the mistake of not being confident during the interview by giving hints that they are nervous, anxious, etc.  Most of them fail to be aware that this act is what’s causing them to fail at landing a job.  In this article, we will be giving you a few tips and techniques you can use in order to ace the interview of one of the most common jobs right now – call centers.

Dress to impress

Most of you would see call center agents dressed casually.  I am not saying that it is wrong but during an interview, it would be nice and great if you dress the part.  Try to impress the recruitment and HR personnel on how you can look at times like these.  Kill the norm of call center agents by dressing casually and comfortably – during these days, look professional, sharp, and mature.

Anticipate most common call center interview questions

Yes, many call centers juggle around different questions because these questions gauge the applicant initially on how they can use the English language as a medium of communication.  The most common questions that you would encounter are:

  • Tell me something about yourself?
  • Cite some of your experiences where you can say that you have been successful?
  • How do you cope with stress?
  • Why do you want to be a call center agent?

Read: How to answer top 5 Job interview questions

These are probably the most common questions and I can assure you that 4 out of 5 call centers will use these questions to gauge your ability in the English language.  I am not recommending you to prepare answers for these questions prior to you going to the interview because I myself loathe canned answers because they do not prove even a single skill.  Of course, it would always be helpful if you can think fast in order for you to give out a response fast as well.  This brings us to our next tip which is;


Companies would love people who can be spontaneous at any given time especially in call centers.  You wouldn’t want your agent to be dull and boring, would you?  This is a strong indication on why gays are powerful in this industry – because they can talk and talk and talk.  They won’t run out of things to say, they are very interesting and skillful when it comes to these matters.  So remember to be spontaneous but be organized as well.

Be confident

I know that this tip sounds generic but it is true.  A lot of HR personnel gauge a person’s confidence level when they talk; dead-air, stutters, spontaneity, etc., are the main points of how they distinguish if a certain applicant is eligible to take in phone calls for them.

Read: 5 Things you should not say during the an interview

One good tip is to always think that you have the upper hand – just don’t overdo it because you may come out as cocky or arrogant.  Just be confident enough in carrying yourself, your language, and the way you deliver your statements and you can be assured that you will be perfectly fine.

Punctuality is always going to be a good impression

Attendance is actually the most basic but the most impactful attitude that a person can have.  Most of my bosses and leaders tell me “You can be good but if you’re not here, how can we use your skills?  A person who is always present but is not very skillful has much more weight than a person who is very good but is always absent.  It is easy to coach skill but you can never ever coach attitude.”  So start in the interview, show up and avoid being late as much as possible.  Say your interview starts at 11:00am, try to be there at 10:00.  Tardiness is one of the main reasons why people lose their jobs; don’t let it be the reason for yours.

Passing a call center interview may seem difficult at first but once you’re in the zone, you’ll think of it as a piece of cake.  The call center industry is growing and growing and a lot of Filipinos look at it as a very good means of living.  Find a call center now and apply, who knows, maybe it is the industry tailor-fit for you.

Read Also: Tips for cracking the interview

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