
Parenting Tip: How Can I Be A Good Parent While Working Abroad?

We all know that one of sacrifices of being an OFW is leaving the country.  If you’re single, then it might be easier for you.  However, if you’re married with kids, leaving your family would break your heart.  First thing you need to consider is how your kids would grow up without you.  Whatever their age is, it’s not gonna be a big difference.  If you’re leaving, you’re leaving.  Lastly, you need to think about how you can be a good parent even if you’re away.  In this article, we would give you tips on how you can be a good parent while you are abroad.

Firstly, talk to your child even before leaving the country

You need to consider this whatever the age of your child.  Remember, a good parent does not leave his/her kids wondering what happened to them.  Even if they’re not yet capable of fully understanding the situation, you need to talk to them about it.  Explain the reason why you’ll work away; where you would be separated from them up to some time.  Share the goals you want to achieve in working overseas and make them feel that you need their cooperation in order for it to be successful.

Read: Planning To Work Abroad? Here Are Some Qualities You Need To Possess

Ask for help from your spouse or their guardians


Some people cannot do it alone because they might become emotional.   Furthermore, they just might not have the courage to tell it to them.  This is where your partner or the guardian comes in.  Discuss parenting and how you need them to make your children understand the situation.  Tell them to give your kids some sort of memory.  Tell them that their duty is to make your children remember you even if you’re away.  Ask your spouse or the guardian to always share pictures of you – you can also do this on your part.  You can use the advancements in technology as you can ask your spouse or the guardian every time you would like to initiate video calls, calls, etc.

Contact them frequently

You’re lucky because this generation would now allow you to be in touch with your children in just a few clicks.  Always make time for your communication because constant communication is always relevant even if you’re not out of the country.  Practice to allot an amount of time every week for your communication with your family.  One evident trait of a good parent is knowing how to make time for communication with children.

Even if you’re away, stay involved with their endeavors and activities


Being away doesn’t give you the exemption of not being involved with what they are doing.  Keep track of your child’s progress in school and in their extra-curricular activities.  Constantly ask them how they are doing in school, ask them what they like doing in their spare time, etc.  Moreover, it would be great if you can share your experiences to them when you were their age.  With this, your children will be able to know you better and they would know that you care for them even if you’re on the other face of the globe.

Lastly, make the most out of your time together


Before you leave, make sure to spend time with your children.  In addition, every vacation time and you go home, make sure that you do activities they will remember.  These types of bonding and time together is golden.  Make them happy, make them smile, make your stay in the Philippines worthwhile.  Every time you go home, make it a goal to bond with your children and family as often as you can.

Well, we all know that parenting never became easy.  Imagine if you are a thousand miles away from them, would you be able to handle it?  The answer is YES – the key is management and the effort you put in to communicate with your family.  Remember, being a good parent is not being present, it’s about being there even if you are far far away.

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