Kingmax Sycret Text Explained

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Kingmax Sycret Text is an Android App and a memory card, you can only download the app in the Play Store through the QR code in the box of Sycret Text Card. By scanning the QR code with your Android smartphone it will give you the link to Play Store where you can download the app.

Sycret Text allows Android smart phone user to exchange the encrypted SMS text messages with other Sycret Text users. Besides messaging with Sycret contacts, Sycret Text app lets user select and encrypt any photo, video and file on the phone or in either selected cloud storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive by using the encryption engine embedded in the Sycret Text card.

Kingmax Sycret Text

Each file is encrypted with a unique key. The encrypted files are stored in the memory of the Sycret Text card or in either selected Cloud storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

You cannot use the application only, because it will ask you to insert the Sycret Text microSD card when you open the app. So you need and Android smartphone with microSD card slot in order to work, also you can only exchange encrypted text messages to the other Sycret Text user.

Basically, you need a smartphone running Android 4.0 or higher version, MicroSD slot and microSD OTG reader support (or microSD to SD adapter in SD slot).

These are the features of Kingmax Sycret Text

  • Encrypted SMS is sent via the regular carrier SMS channel. Users have secure text communication without requiring any access to the internet.
  • Nobody can decrypt your encrypted text messages and files without your Sycret Text card and user PIN.
  • Your Sycret microSD is portable from phone to phone and you can immediately decrypt your encrypted data either from the Sycret Text card or the Cloud storage using your new device.
  • All encryption algorithms are certified by NIST of USA and the security IC is certified by Common Criteria EAL 5+.
  • APP Authentication: The User PIN is a 4-digit to 16-digit numeric passcode used for authentication to get access to Sycret Text APP. The Sycret Text card will be locked after 10 wrong attempts.

If you are interested of Sycret Text from Kingmax, you can find it in our local store in the Philippines, according to their representative they will sell the 8GB for Php 1299 and 16GB for Php 1500.

Gettings started with Sycret Text on your Android Phone requires first-run initialization, I will walk you through in my next article entitled how to install Sycret Text App.

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