
How to Add Email Signature in Gmail and Yahoo Mail

A signature block or email signature is a block of text appended to the end of an e-mail message often containing the sender’s name, address, phone number, disclaimer or other contact information.

Gmail and Yahoo Mail is among the most used free email services worldwide. Backing up with the two giant companies in internet Google and Yahoo, selecting their free email services is a no brainer.


Adding email signature on Gmail and Yahoo Mail is simple, by following the steps given in this article you can easily add it with no hassle.

To add Email Signature in Gmail follow this step

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account using your credentials. In the upper-right corner of your screen, click on the gear icon, then on the drop-down menu, select “Settings”. See the screenshot.How to add email signature on gmail step 1
  2. On the settings page, scroll down to the lower part of the page to see the signature section and add your desired email signature to appear on every email you send.How add email signature on gmail step 2
  3. Don’t forget to save the changes located on the bottom part of the page.

To add Email Signature in Yahoo Mail follow this step

  1. Sign in to your Yahoo Mail account using your credentials. In the upper right corner, hover over the gear icon to reveal the drop-down menu, then select “Settings”.How to add email signature on Yahoo Mail step 1
  2. The settings window will pop up, Select “Writing email” menu on the left, then select what kind of signature you want to appear, plain or rich text signature.How to add email signature on yahoo mail step 2
  3. Add your email signature on the text box that will appear, then click save.How email signature on Yahoo Mail step 3

In my future post I will also share how to add an email signature in outlook and other email services that most people used. Please don’t forget to share this article if you find it helpful.

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