
Getting started with OOH advertising? Here’s 7 top tips for starting out

Out of home (OOH) advertising is making a huge comeback as the Coronavirus situation calms down again. If you’re thinking about getting started with it but not quite sure where to start, keep reading for 7 top tips for businesses considering OOH advertising.

1. Make sure you do your research

There are lots of different forms of OOH advertising. You want to make sure that you place your adverts where your target audience is most likely to see them. If your target audience are big travellers then airport billboards and ads on trains, planes and buses would be most effective, for example. It all depends on the demographics of your intended audience.

2. Be innovative in your designs

The best way to attract customers is to stand out from the crowd and you can’t do that if you’re always following trends. Because there are so many different kinds of OOH advertising you can really experiment with your creativity and find out what works best. With Clear Start reaching 93% of the UK through their market-leading OOH network, you’re guaranteed to accelerate the growth of your emerging brand.

3. Make the most of your environment

You might find that the space around you is ideal to turn into an ad. Similarly to the above point, get creative and see what you can do with the environment available to you. Create an interactive game on public transport systems to distract travellers from their waiting or find a way to advertise on the beach if you’re near the coast, for example.

4. Keep an eye on your competitors

Before you started your business you’d hopefully have done some market research and gotten to know your competitors. Why stop now? By examining your competitors’ strategies and finding out what kind of things they’re doing to attract their customers you might be able to learn a thing or two to benefit your own business.

5. Request feedback

Asking for feedback about your ad campaigns can give you an insight into what works for customers and what doesn’t. You could add a code to the bottom of one of your ads asking for feedback or you could carry out a physical survey.

6. Add tracking information

One of the easiest ways to track how many people visit and engage with your website is through your advertisements. With some tracking systems you can see how many people got in touch through the number mentioned in the ad, for example.

7. Sometimes less is more

Although you may find that you have tons of ideas from the get-go, don’t try to combine them all into one ad. You know yourself that you’re less likely to interact or engage with an advert that has tons of words squished into a small space, so try to keep it simple  wherever possible.

As you can see, getting started with OOH advertising doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it might seem. Hopefully these 7 top tips have given you an insight into what it means to create effective OOH advertising, and now you know how to get started with your own out of home advertising campaigns.

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