How to Earn by Article Writing?


Do you love writing? Have you always dreamed of writing a bestseller novel? Well, most successful novelists also had a day job. Here’s a day job that can keep you in the writing field that you love so much and also pay you a decent salary, so that you can still have time left over for your blockbuster novel.

Anyone with a good grasp of the English language can write a few paragraphs of original content. It is even easier to just read a given article and rewrite it. And that is pretty much the job description for one of the most lucrative jobs on the Internet today.

Read: Jobs that do not require a degree

With thousands of new websites being set up every hour, webmasters are in constant need of new content for their webpages. Sometimes a number of websites are developed by spinning the same content into several articles. Most buyers of articles pay between one to two dollars for rewriting an article of 300-500 words. This task can be done in fifteen to thirty minutes depending on your language skills and typing speed.

How to earn on Article-Writing

It is important to write original content – say it all in your own words – as most buyers check for duplication by using  copy-detection software like Copyscape and Plagium. If you just cut and paste from some other websites, that will show up on Copyscape and you will lose your assignment and get negative reviews from the buyer.

Proofread your article thoroughly before submitting it, using SpellCheck if you use Word. Even if you aren’t familiar with a topic like say acne or money management or health topics, some time spent browsing relevant websites can give you enough information to write a 500 word article.

That’s the charm of freelance writing online. Your general knowledge improves vastly with the articles you research and write everyday. That will surely help your creative writing too, and pave the way for that blockbuster novel someday!

Check out, formerly (Odesk and Elance) and and sign up with the one you like. Payments are through PayPal and other international systems.

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